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What class will you play in Season 5: The Infernal Hordes

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Detailed information regarding certain updates in the next section. View the patch notes (Aug 1st) for a full list of changes.
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Mythic Uniques (Ubers)

  • Now have a chance to drop from Whisper Caches, Gambling, and Helltide chests.
  • The overall drop chance for mythics has been increased.
  • Now have a purple beam when dropped to differentiate them from standard unqiues/loot.

Tormented Bosses

  • Now drop 5 times as many boss materials vs just 1.
  • Mythic loot (Ubers) drop chance adjusted to increase the possibility of multiple mythic items dropping at once.
  • The Stygian Stone cost to summon has been reduced from 2 to 1.

Resplendent Spark

  • The Resplendent Spark rewarded for defeating Tormented bosses can now be earned on Hardcore and softcore seperately.
  • They will no longer be automatically picked up but will show up in the lost items tab of your stash if you forget them.


  • Summoning Urn now respawns after the boss is kill so no more leaving the dungeon to reset, YAY!
  • The Beast in the Ice is now a normal dungeon and now longer requires a sigil to be crafted.
  • The Beast in the Ice is now much closer to the dungeon entrace (similar to Varshan).
  • Varshan now only requires Malignant Hearts to summon the other maters have been removed.
  • Ladder bosses no longer drop rare items (yellow) they will instead drop additional gold.


  • Baneful heart drop rate has been decreased.
  • A world boss that spanws inside a helltide region will drop 3 baneful hearts.
  • Profane Mindcages will be in Season 5 and stack up to 3 times to increase monster level by 30.
  • In World Tier 1/2 the blood maiden now requires only two Baneful Hearts to summon.
  • Chests in World Tier 1/2 now only require 75 ciners vs 100.

The Pit

  • All players in a group will now receive 100% pit rewards.
  • Boss damage reduced by 66%.
  • Shadow bosses now apply stacking debuff (max 3 stacks) after 3 stacks boss damage is increased by 66%.
  • Bandit Sharpshooter boss removed, replaced with Mother's Judgement.


  • No longer requires Angelbreath instead requiest the following materials:
  • Jewelry: Abstruse Sigils
  • Weapons: Baleful Fragments
  • Armor: Coiling Wards

Treasure Goblin Drops

  • Drop quality increase: 1-3 legendaries and 2-6 rare items along with crafting materials.
  • 1-2 Scattered Prisms.
  • 1-2 Elixirs.
  • 40k - 150k Gold.
  • Forgottem Souls in World Tiers 3/4.

Crowd Control Effects

  • Crowd Control applied by monters has been toned down.
  • Potions can now be used while crowd controlled.


  • Each Greater Affix an item has now grants one additional tempering charge, max changes go from 7 to 10.

Monster Level XP Bonus

  • Increased from 10 levels above current player level to 30 levels.


  • Elixir of Antivenin will no longer work with others active.
  • Evade will no longer trigger Yen's Blessing.
  • Incense will now persist after death.

Gear/Content: Great Things to know

Some of the more notable aspects to Know about the gameplay.
View the patch notes (Aug 1st) for a full list of changes.
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Diablo 4 - Codex of Power

Legendary aspects can be a pain to manage and take up valuable inventory space.

In Season 4 when you salvage loot the aspect on it is added to your Codex of Power permanently.

Maximum power aspects now have a border making them easier to find quickly. As a bonus you can now favorite the aspects your current build uses.

While browsing the codex the info tooltip will note if you have the aspect currently equipped.

All aspects in the Codex of Power can be applied an unlimited amount of times to your gear.

Here is the current list of all Aspects including the new ones introduced in the PTR.


Diablo 4 - Helltides
  • Now available in tiers 1 and 2.
  • Increased cinder drops.
  • New threat meter that gains threat as you kill enemies. Once full it triggers a special event.
  • Blood Maiden - summoned using Baneful Hearts collected from opening tortured gifts, killing the hellborn, and one of the doomsayer variants. More than 1 player can contribute baneful hearts, each player who contributes will receive bonus loot. Loot can include: legendaries, Forgotten Souls, Lord Zir Mats, End-Game Boss mats, etc.
  • Seasonal Item - Profane Mindcage (buff)
    Guaranteed drop from hellborn in world tier 3/4, can also drop from other activities.
    When used for the next 60 minutes helltide monster level increased by 10, increased threat gain, and increased cinder drop rate.

The Pit aka Greater Rifts

Diablo 4 - The Pit

If you were a fan of Diablo 3's Greater Rifts then The Pit is for you. The Pit is a timed dungeon with ever increasing difficulty and rewards. You'll have 15 minutes to complete the run, your first death removes 30 seconds from your timer with every subsequent death adding 30 seconds to that penalty (30, 60, 90...).

  • New currency Rune Shards are required to access The Pit.
  • Rune Shards can drop from Nightmare Dungeons, Helltide crates and during pit runs.
  • Monster health increased above monster level 100.
  • Tier 150 of The Pit will be close to the same difficulty as level 25 Abattoir of Zir (not easy).
  • Masterworking material drops:
    Masterworking Tier 1 - Pit level 1 to 29
    Masterworking Tier 2 - Pit level 30 to 59
    Masterworking Tier 3 - Pit 60+
  • The Pit can drop obols.

Resplendent Sparks

Diablo 4 - Resplendent Spark

This wonderful crafting material allows you to create Uber Uniques by visiting any potion vendor then selecting the transmute tab (4 sparks required per Uber).

You break down your excess Uber Uniques to create a spark but as we all know they do not drop often. The boss grind can be tedious and time-consuming. In Season 4 we can now get 3 of the 4 sparks needed by completing the following tasks.

  1. Completing the new Iron Wolves questline.
  2. If you've ever killed Lilith.
  3. The first tormented boss you kill.

Each of the above tasks will drop 1 resplendent spark giving you 3 of the 4 needed to craft an Uber Unique.


Diablo 4 - Tempering

One of the new ways you'll be upgrading your gear at the Blacksmith.

You can pick two different categories of affixes to add via tempering, you'll have a maximum of 5 re-rolls for the two affixes you've added (7 total rolls).

If you fail to roll the affix you want within the 7 total rolls the item breaks which means you can no longer temper it further.

Tempering Manuals unlock new tempering affixes, they drop throughout sanctuary from various sources.

You cannot temper Uniques.


Diablo 4 - Masterworking

This allows you to upgrade your gear affixes similarly to before with some notable differences.

Rank 12 is the maximum an affix can be upgraded to.

Every 4 ranks the upgrade can crit (not guaranteed) giving a massive bonus (rank 4, 8, 12).

Ranks 1-3, 5-7, and 9-11 will provide slight value increases.

You can reset affix rank at any time and start from level 0 again. Spent materials are not refunded.

Masterworking crafting materials drop from The Pit.

If you salvage an item with partial masterworking you will receiving the materials back for full levels so 1-7: 100 Obducite, 8-11: 100 obducite + 260 Ingolith, rank 12 - 550 neathiron + all previous levels.

Season Basics

Hopefully answers to all the questions you have regarding how Diablo 4 Seasons work.
Missing important info, let us know
  • Seasons last three months (normally).
  • Seasons normally have a theme with special seasonal only items/powers.
  • The upcoming season patch is available to download shortly before launch time (August 6thth 10am PT).
  • You'll have to create a new seasonal only character once the season begins.
  • Gold, items in inventory, and materials on your eternal characters are not available to your seasonal characters.
  • Eternal Campaign progress, the horse mount, Altars of Lilith (bonus stats), Map Exploration (fog of war), and major city waypoints are available to your seasonal characters.
  • Your character(s) will unlock game system quests as you level like normal - the occultist, potion upgrades, blacksmith upgrades, nightmare dungeons, etc.
  • Aspects in the Codex of Power (eternal) are not available on seasonal character(s).
  • Cosmetics in your Wardrobe are available to your seasonal character(s).
  • Use your Smoldering Ashes as you unlock them, they provide useful bonuses.
  • Before a new season begins
  • Clear out your eternal withdraw only stash tab with the pervious seasons items (if you haven't).
  • Complete your Renown achievements.
  • Locate all of the Altars of Lilith.
  • Reach any major city with a character so the "Skip Campaign" option will be available.
  • At seasons end
  • Once the season ends all of your characters, their inventory, and crafting materials transfer to the eternal realm.